DC-Backbone mit Strom-Gas-Kopplung
Wunder. Voltage Control and Stabilization of Distributet and Centralized DC Micro Grids.
PCIM. Nürnberg. Mai 2015
Wunder. Overview of Different Topologies and Control Strategies for DC Micro Grids.
ICDCM. Atlanta. Juni 2015
Ott. Modelling and Measuring Complex Impedances of Power Electronic Devices for Stability Assessment of Low-Voltage DC-Grids.
IDCDM. Atlanta. Juni 2015
Wunder. Energy Distribution with DC Micro Grids in Commercial Buildings with Power Electronics.
Darnells Power Forum. Los Angeles, USA. Juli 2015
Wunder. DC-Netze für Heim und Büro.
Kooperationsforum Leistungselektronik. Nürnberg. Juli 2015
Wunder. DC-Backbone with Power-to-Gas Coupling.
LZE Tech Day. Erlangen. Juli 2015
Steinberger. Much energy on little space – practical implementation of the hydrogen storage system inside a container.
LZE Tech Day. Erlangen. Juli 2015
Wunder. Energy Distribution with DC Micro Grids i Commercial Buildings with Power Electronics.
EDST. Wien. September 2015
Steinberger. Verwertung von wasserstoffreichen Gasgemischen in PEM-Brennstoffzellensystem.
NEIS. Hamburg. Sepember 2015
Ott. Modelling and Measuring Complex Impedances of Power Electronic Devices for Stability Assessment of Low-Voltag DC-Grids.
Intelec. Osaka. Oktober 2015
Steinberger. System setup and state based energy control of a grid connected multipurpose hybrid hydrogen system.
Intelec. Osaka. Oktober 2015
Preuster. The Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier One Reactor.
ESCRE. Fürstenfeldbruck. Oktober 2015
Loske. IoT-Bus – Fieldbus Bases on IEEE Str. 802.15.4.
Energieinformatik. Karlsruhe. November 2015
Han. Non-isolated Three-Port DC/DC-Converter for +-380VDC Microgrids.
PCIM. Nürnberg. Mai 2016
Seliger. Scalable Insulated DC/DC Converters for Safe and Efficient Coupling of Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers and DC-Grids.
PCIM. Nürnberg. Mai 2016
Geiling. System approach for a multifunctional hybrid hydrogen system including a LOHC storage system.
iSEneC. Nürnberg. Juli 2016
Oeder. IoT-Bus for DC-Micro-Grid Control and Local Energy Management.
iSEneC. Nürnberg. Juli 2016
Wunder. Energieflusssteeuerung und Spitzenlastabdeckung in DC-Netzen.
Wöhrle Firmenjubiläum. Stuttgart. Juli 2016
Wunder. From Past to the Future – IoT-Trends for modern Power Supplies.
EPSMA. München. Juli 2016
Steinberger. Layout and Setup for a Conversion System of Hydrogen Exhaust Gas Streams into Electricity using a PEM Fuel Cell.
NEIS. Hamburg. September 2016
Ott. Model-Based Fault Current Estimation for Low-Fault Energy 380 VDC Distribution Systems.
Intelec. Austin USA. Oktober 2016
Geiling. Compact Setup of a Novel Energy Storage System Based on Liqiuid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC).
IRES. Nürnberg. 2017
Wunder. DC-Netze in kommerziellen Gebäuden.
VDE Expertenforum. Offenbach. März 2017
Klatt. Fieldbus for the Internet of Things.
Embedded Conference. Nürnberg. März 2017
Wunder. Taking the Mulit-Tier Framework further a technology assessment layer.
IEC LVDC Conference. Nairobi, Kenya. Mai 2017
Ott. Resonant Electric Arc in DC-Microgrids with Low System Impedance in the VLF-Band.
ICDCM. Nürnberg. Juni 2017
Kaiser. Grid Behavior Under Fault Situations in +-380VDC Distribution Systems.
ICDCM. Nürnberg. Juni 2017
Fersterra. A Bidirectional Approach for Segregated DC-Microgrids.
ICDCM. Nürnberg. Juni 2017
März. The Role of Power Electronics in LVDC Microgrids.
ICDCM. Nürnberg. Juni 2017
Han. High Efficiency Control Method for Non-Isolated Three-Port DC/DC Converter.
PCIM Asia. Shanghai, China. Juni 2017
März. Power Electronics for DC Grids more than only power conversion.
1st 400 VDC Power Systems Summit. München. Juni 2017
Wunder. Intelligente Vernetzung von dezentralen Systemkomponenten.
Energie Region – Stabilisierung und Optimierung von Stromnetzen. Nürnberg. Juli 2017
Kaiser. Safety Considerations for the Operation of Bipolar DC-Grids.
Intelec. Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia. Oktober 2017
Wunder. Droop Controlled Cognitive Power Electronics for DC Microgrids.
Intelec. Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia. Oktober 2017