


Low-Power-Elektronik für Sport- und Fitnessanwendungen

Roemer. Measurement Matrix Design for Compressed Sensing Based Time Delay Estimation.
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing/ Shanghai/ 20-25 March 2015

Seidel, D.Voll. RedFIR– Anwendung eines funkbasierten Trackingsystems zur lückenlosen Echtzeit-Leistungsdiagnostik in den leichtathletischen Laufdisziplinen.
17.Frühjarsschule “Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der angewandten Trainingswissenschaft”/Leipzig/15-16 April 2015

M. Tröger, J. Robert, M. Hartmann, J. Thielecke, A. Heuberger. Improved OFDM Frequency Syntonization using Signal Decision and Re-Modulation.
Proceedings of the ION 2015 Pacific PNT Meeting/ pp. 999-1003/20-23 April 2015

Loeffler, C. Mutschler, M. Philippen. Approximative Event Processing on Sensor Streams.
9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems/ DEBS ’15 Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems. 360-363/ISBN: 978-1-4503-3286-6/ May 2015

Tobola, C. Espig, F. J. Streit, O. Korpok, H. Leutheuser, B. Schmitz, C. Hofmann, M. Struck, C. Weigand, B. Eskofier, G. Fischer. Scalable ECG Hardware and Algorithms for Extended Runtime of Wearable Senors.
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. p 255-260/ ISBN 978-1-4799-6476-5/
Wearable_Sensors. Turino, Italy/ 7-9 May 2015

Spies. Integrated Energy Harvesting System based on Thermoelectric Generators.
Nanoenergy/ Manchester/ 1-3 June 2015

Tobola, F. Streit, C. Espig, O. Korpok, N. Lang, B. Schmitz, C. Hofmann, M. Struck, C. Weigand, H. Leutheuser, B. Eskofier, G. Fischer. Sampling Rate Impact on Energy Consumption of Biomedical Signal Processing Systems.
Body Sensor Networks/ Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on. 1 – 6/15525131/ Cambridge, USA/ 9-12 June 2015

Leutheuser. Arrhythmia Classification Using RR Intervals: Improvement With Sinusoidal Regression Feature.
Body Sensor Networks Conference/Campridge/ 9-12 June 2015

Hofmann. Basic sensor technologies and latest improvements for low-power electronics in sport and fitness applications.
World Congress on Bioengineering/ Singapore/6-8 July 2015

Seidel, C. Mutschler, N. Witt, M. Völker, D. Voll, D. Poimann, T. Czyz, M. Lochmann, N. Franke. Analysis of the Indoor Ball Tracking Precision of a radio-based Real-time Locating System.
World Congress on Bioengineering/ Singapore/6-8 July 2015

Seidel, N. Witt, M. Völker, D. Voll, D. Poimann, T. Crzyz, M. Lochmann, N. Franke. Technical and Sport-Scientific Validation of a Radio-Based Local Tracking System for Indoor Applications.
World Congress on Bioengineering/ Singapore/6-8 July 2015

Poimann. Evaluation of passing quality in football by means of a radio-based local tracking system.
World Congress on Bioengineering/ Singapore/6-8 July 2015

Poimann. Evaluation of ball handling in football by means of a radio-based local tracking system.
World Congress on Bioengineering/ Singapore/6-8 July 2015

Spies. Optimized vibration harvesting system based on piezoelectric transducer and impedance matching voltage converter.
4th International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics (ECM)/ Aberdeen/ 11-13 August 2015

Gradl. Temporal correction of detected R-peaks in ECG signals: A crucial step to improve R-peak detection algorithms.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology/ Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 522-525/ DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7318414/ Milan/ 25-29 August 2015

Mullann. Unobtrusive Heart Rate Estimation during Physical Exercise using Photoplethysmographic and Acceleration Data.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology / Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE . 6114-6117/ DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319787/ Milan/ 25-29 August 2015

Cibis. Wearable Real-Time ECG Monitoring with Emergency Alert System for Scuba Diving.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology/ / Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE . 6074-6077/ DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319777/ Milan/ 25-29 August 2015

Tantinger. Human Authentication Implemented for Mobile Applications Based on ECG-Data Acquired from Sensorized Garments.
Computing in Cardiology Conference/Computing in Cardiology 2015; 42:417-420/ISSN 2325-8861/ Nizza/6-9 September 2015

Schmitz. Continuous vital monitoring and automated alert message generation for motorbike riders.
Computing in Cardiology Conference/ Computing in Cardiology 2015; 42:387-400/ISSN 2325-8861/ Nizza/6-9 September 2015

Lang. Novel Filter Technique to Improve R-Peak Detection for ECG Data with Motion Artefacts from Wearable Systems.
Computing in Cardiology Conference/ Nizza/ 6-9 September 2015

Eguiluz, J. Legarda, L. Mateu, H. Zessin, P. Spies. Maximizing piezoelectric generator’s output energy from measured acceleration data.
Eurosensors/ pp. 641-644/ Freiburg/ 6-9 September 2015

Dorsch. D. Gedeon, T. Albach, S. J. Rupitsch, P. Spies, R. Lerch. Towards a miniaturized, impulse-excited piezoelectric energy harvesting device.
Eurosensors/ doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.08.713/ Freiburg/ 6-9 September 2015

Gedeon. Experimental Setup and Numerical Modelling for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Devices under Rotating Conditions.
Eurosensors/ Freiburg/ 6-9 September 2015

Lochmann. Football 4.0 – Increased training efficiency by using high tech.
49th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering. Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)/ Lübeck. 16-18 September 2015

Poimann. Accuracy of ball handling time measurement via a radio-based tracking system.
European Federation of Sports Medicine Association (EFSMA)/ Antwerpen/ 10-12 September 2015

Poimann. Accuracy of pass precision measurement via a radio-based tracking system.
European Federation of Sports Medicine Association (EFSMA)/ Antwerpen/ 10-12 September 2015

Struck. The Leistungszentrum Elektroniksysteme (LZE) – contents and aims of the project Low Power Electronic Systems for Wearable Technologies in Sports and Fitness.
Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)/Lübeck/16-18 September 2015

Lang. Heart rate variability extraction based on mobile monitored, single-channel ECG data with focus on sports applications.
Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)/Lübeck/16-18 September 2015

Tobola. ULPSEK – Ultra-Low-Power Sensor Evaluation Kit.
Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)/Lübeck/16-18 September 2015

Reichenbach, M. Kasparek, M. Alawieh, K. Häublein, D. Fey. Real-Time Correlation for Locating Systems Utilizing Heterogeneous Computing Architectures.
Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing/ Electronic Chips & System design initiative (ECSI). 1-8/ Cracow/ 23-25 September 2015

Eskofier. Wearable computing systems for recreational and elite sports.
Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)/ Lübeck/16-18 September 2015

Gradl.  Virtual reality meets radio-based localization: a feasibility study with related wearables in sports.
International Symposium of Wearable Computers/ Osaka/ 9-11 September 2015

Seidel, M. Völker, N.Witt, D. Poimann, T. Czyz, N. Franke, M. Lochmann. Evaluating the Indoor Football Tracking Accuracy of a Radio-Based Real-Time Locating System.
10th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport/ Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sports (ISCSS). 217-224/ ISBN: 978-3-319-24558-4/ Loughborough, UK/9-11 September 2015

Spies. Integrated Voltage Converters in Energy Harvesting Applications.
Semicon Europe/ Dresden/ 6-8 October 2015

M. Tröger. Partial OFDM Demodulation for Frequency Syntonization of Wireless Sensor Nodes.
International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication/ pp. 1-6/ DOI: 10.1109/ISPCS.2015.7324671/ Beijing/ 11-16 October 2015

Ibrahim, R. Roemer. Compressed temporal synchronization with opportunistic signals.
Asimolar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers/ Pacific Grove/ 8-11 November 2015

Witt, M. Völker, T. Seidel, M. Lochmann, N. Franke. Automatische Erkennung von Ballkontakten als Grundlage zur Analyse technomotorischen Fertigkeiten im Fußball.
Jahrestagung der dvs-Komission Fußball/ Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fußball. „Fußball 4.0 – Hightech in Training, Wettkampf und Ausbildung“ p. 31/ Erlangen/ 19-21 November 2015

v. d. Grün. Low-Power-Elektronik für Sport- und Fitnessanwendungen.
Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fußball/ Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fußball. „Fußball 4.0 – Hightech in Training, Wettkampf und Ausbildung“ p. 43/ Erlangen/ 19-21 November 2015

Schuldhaus. Data Mining im Fußball: Entwicklung eines Sensor-basierten Schuss/Pass Klassifikators.
Jahrestagung der dvs-Komission Fußball/ Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fußball. „Fußball 4.0 – Hightech in Training, Wettkampf und Ausbildung“ p. 18/ Erlangen/ 19-21 November 2015

Lochmann. Innovationen zur automatisierten Erfassung und Ansteuerung logisch-leistungsrelevanter Merkmale der Wahrnehmung.
DVS-Komission Fussball/Erlangen/ 19-21 November 2015

Lochmann. Wettkampfsystem 4.0 – Strukturinnovationen zur nachhaltigen Sicherung der internationalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des deutschen Fußballs.
Erlangen. November 2015

Lochmann. Fußball 4.0 – Entwicklung und Innovation im Fußball.
Erlangen. November 2015

Poimann. Möglichkeiten der objektiven Messung technomotorischer Fertigkeiten mittels Funkortungstechnologie.
DVS-Komission Fussball/ Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fußball. „Fußball 4.0 – Hightech in Training, Wettkampf und Ausbildung“ p. 35/ Erlangen/ 19-21 November 2015

Czyz. Validierung des Funkortungssystems RedFIR für die sportspezifische Anwendung.
DVS-Komission Fussball/ Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fußball. „Fußball 4.0 – Hightech in Training, Wettkampf und Ausbildung“ p. 56/ Erlangen/ 19-21 November 2015

Ibrahim, F. Römer, N. Hadaschik, H. M. Tröger, B. Sackenreuter, N. Franke, J. Robert, G. Del Galdo. Temporal wireless synchronization with compressed opportunistic signals.
Radio Wireless Week, Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks Symposium/ Austin/ 24-27 January 2016

Oertel. Screen-printed biochemical sensors for detection of ammonia levels in sweat –towards integration with vital parameter monitoring sports gear.
Biodevices/ Rom/ 21-23 February 2016

Oertel. Low-Power Electronic Systems for Wearable Technologies in Sports and Fitness.
Smart Textil. Fürth. März 2016

Oertel. Screen-printing biochemical sensors for sweet ammonia levels.
München. April 2016

Spies. Versatile Energy Harvesting System With Tunabe Vibration Harvester And Micro Battery.
Berlin. Mai 2016

Tobola. Battey Runtime Optimization Toolbox for Wearable Biomedical Sensors.
San Francisco, USA. Juni 2016

Poimann. Instanteneous P- and T-wave detection: Assessment of three ECG fiducial points detection algorithms.
San Francisco, USA. Juni 2016

Oertel. Monitoring Vital Parameters from Sweat Electrolytes with printed sensors.
Nürnberg. Juni 2016

Hendricks. Evaluating Performances and Energy-Efficiency of a parallel Signal Correlation Algorithm on current Multi- and Many-Core Architectures.
San Diego, USA. Juni 2016

Seidl. Validation of football´s velocity provides by a radio.based tracking system.
ISEA. Delft, Niederlande. Juli 2016

Akdag. The Impact of Competition Mode and Coaching on Physical Load in Youth Football.
Köln. Juli 2016

Denis. eFUNiño: Innovative Training Control via LED Equipment in Soccer.
Köln. Juli 2016

Poimann. Opportunities for Integrating Attention Training in Daily Practice.
Köln. Juli 2016

Dorsch. Simulation-Based Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems -From Mechanical Excitation to Usable Electrical Energy.
Darmstadt. August 2016

Dorsch. A Spatially Resolved Modeling Approach for Piezoelectric Composite Structures Based on Finite Elements.
Darmstadt. August 2016

Witt. Detection of Single Ball Contacts Using a Radio-Based Tracking System.
Porto, Portugal. September 2016

Oertel. Monitoring of Biomarkers in Sweat with Printed Sensors Combines with Sport Wearables.
Heidelberg. September 2016

Ibrahim. Measurement Matrix Design for Compressed Sensing Based Time Dela Estimation.
Budapest, Hungary. September 2016

Tröger. A Comparison of Opportunistic Signals for Wireless Syntonization using the Modified Cramer-Rao Lower Bound.
November 2016

Tröger. Time-Domain OFDM Carrier Phase Estimation for Wireless Sensor Network Syntonization.
New Zealand. November 2016

Zörner. Determination of the Selectivity of Printes Wearable Sweat Sensors.
Biostec/Biodevices. Porto, Portugal. Februar 2017

Oertel. System integration of printed biosensors for sweat electroytes with data acquisition via Bluetooth to App.
Smart Systems Integration. Cork, Irland. März 2017

Oertel. Screen-printing of biosensors for sweat analysis in sport wearables.
Printes electronics. Berlin. Mai 2017

Reichenbach. Fast heterogeneous computing architectures for smart antennas.
Journal of Systems Architecture. Juli 2017

Tröger. A Comparison of Opportunistic Signals for Wireless Syntonization using the Modified Cramer-Rao Lower Bound.
Navigation Journal of the Institute of Navigation. Volume 64, Nr. 3. 2017

Spandler. Validierung eines Algorithmus zur Detektion von Richtungswechseln.
23. Sportwissenscahftlicher Hochschlutag der DVS. München. September 2017

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