

Energy-independent asset tracking system for logistics applications

Lindner, Patino-Studencka, Hadaschik, Thielecke. Influence of antenna array constellation on the accuracy of angle-of-arrival estimation in a multipath environment.
ITG International Workshop on Smart Antennas WSA, Ilmenau, März 2015

Gedeon, Meyer, Rupitsch, Lerch. A Hybrid simulation aproach for piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting.
Sensor und Test, 21. Mai 2015, Nürnberg

Milosiu, Oehler. Indoor-Lokalisierungssystem für Lagerlogistik mit Sub-20-µW-UHF-WakeUp-Receiver.
20. ITG-Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation/ Osnabrück/7.-8. Mai 2015

Spies, Pollak, Teuber, Jank. Integrated Energy Harvesting System based on Thermoelectric Generators.
NANOENERGY – International Conference on Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials & Thin Films for Energy Applications. Manchester/02.06.2015

Spies, Pollak, Mateu, Dorsch, Gedeon, Rupitsch. Optimized Vibration Harvesting System based on Piezoelectric Transducer and Impedance Matching Voltage Converter.
4th International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics – working on small scales. Aberdeen/10.08.2015

Roeber, Zwick, Bänisch, Dirauf, Roppenecker, Weigel. Novel control methods for phase lock loops.
22nd European conference on circuit theory and design; ECCTED2015/Conference paper.4/-/,Schweden/24-26 Aug. 2015

Eguiluz, Legarda, Mateu, Zessin, Spies. Maximizing piezoelectric generator’s output energy from measured acceleration data.
Eurosensors, 6.-9.September 2015, Freiburg

Dorsch, Rupitsch, Albach, Lerch. Towards a miniaturized, impulse-excited piezoelectric energy harvesting device.
Eurosensors, 6.-9.September 2015, Freiburg

Robert, Milosiu, Lindner. Sub 10 µW Wake-Up-Receiver Based Indoor/Outdoor Asset Tracking System.
20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation/ Luxembourg/8-11 September 2015

Hadaschik, Sackenreuter, Schäfer, Faßbinder. Direct Positioning with Multiple Antenna Arrays.
Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN, Banff, Oct. 2015

Soller, Jaumann, Kilian, Robert, Heuberger. DFC++ – A novel framework approach for flexible signal processing on embedded systems.
Wireless Innovation Forum European Conference on Communications Technologies and Software Defined Radio;WInnComm-Europe, Erlangen, 2015-10-06

Spies. Integrated Voltage Converters in Energy Harvesting Applications.
SEMICON Europa 2015 – Low Power Conference. Dresden/07.10.2015

Lindner, Hafenecker, Hadaschik, Thielecke.  A Practical Evaluation of Joint Angle and Delay Estimation.
Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2015 International Conference on/Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2015 International Conference on.TBA/TBA/, Alberta, Canada/13-16 October 2015

Eppel, Milosiu, Oehler.  A Novel 1µW Super-Regenerative Receiver with Reduced Spurious Emissions and Improved Co-Channel Interferer Tolerance.
IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks (RWW WiSNet)/ Austin/24 – 27 January 2016

Dorsch, Gedeon, Weiß, Rupitsch. Simulation-Based Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems – From Mechanical Excitation to Usable Electrical Energy.
2016 Joint IEEE International Symposium 2016

Gedeon, Weiß, Rupitsch. A spatially resolved modeling approach for piezoelectric composite structures based on finite elements.
2016 Joint IEEE International Symposium 2016; S1-4; DOI: 10.1109/ISAF.2016.7819733

Milosiu. RSSI-based Localisation Method using 3-Microwatt Wake-up Receivers with good Co-Channel Interferer Tolerance.
Smart SysTech. Duisburg. Juli 2016

Milosiu. Suchen und Finden ohne Strom – Stromsparende Lokalisierung mit WakeUp-Receiver-ICs.
Öffentlichen Vortragsreihe „Faszination Technik 2016“, 21. September 2016, Erlangen/Germany

Milosiu, Babik, Oehler. 4-µW WakeUp Receiver as potential key technology for connected intelligent objects.
In: VDE-Kongress 2016- Internet der Dinge, 07.-08.November 2016, Mannheim/Germany

Milosiu, Eppel.  Localisation of mobile objects using spectral fingerprints, based on an integrated 40-µW UHF broadband wireless receiver.
Presentation on: Embedded Platforms Conference 2016, München, 10.November 2016

Soell, Roeber, Milosiu, Weigel, Hagelauer.  Area-Efficient Fully Integrated Dual-Band Class-E Power Amplifier with Switchable Output Power for a BPSK/OOK Transmitter.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems (ISCAS 2017), Baltimore, USA 2017

Babik, Milosiu, Oehler.  Ultra-Low-Power Quantized-RSSI-based Localization Using Wake-Up Receivers.
In: Smart SysTech 2017 – European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies, München, 20 -21 June 2017, München/Germany



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